About company

Since 2005, Monlogistics Group has established itself as a prominent player in the field of transportation logistics. With a solid foundation of experience, we currently operate with 1 parent company and 8 subsidiaries. 

Since 2005, Monlogistics Group has established itself as a prominent player in the field of transportation logistics. With a solid foundation of experience, we currently operate with 1 parent company and 8 subsidiaries. Our dedicated team comprises approximately 200 employees who are committed to delivering exceptional services.

We have forged strong partnerships, boasting a network of over 800 trusted collaborators from 163 countries. This extensive global reach enables us to provide comprehensive logistics solutions across international borders. Additionally, we serve a wide customer base of over 1,500 domestic clients, catering to their diverse transportation needs.

Monlogistics Holding LLC, as the operating parent company, not only oversees the operations of its subsidiaries but also provides high-quality international management services in various key areas. These areas include Human Resources, Finance, Information Technology, Marketing, Strategy, Business Development, and Logistics.

By offering centralized management support in these crucial domains, Monlogistics Holding LLC ensures that its subsidiaries receive professional guidance and expertise. This approach enables the Group to maintain consistent standards and adhere to a unified policy and set of principles across all its operations.

The scope of action for Monlogistics Group :

  • Policy and Standards: We establish policies and standards that guide the operations of the Group, ensuring consistency, compliance, and long-term sustainability across all subsidiaries.

  • Strategic Policy: We define the strategic policy of the Group, setting the direction and goals for growth, expansion, and market positioning.

  • Governance and Management: We implement effective group governance and management practices to ensure efficient decision-making, risk management, and operational excellence.

  • Human Resources Development: We provide qualified personnel to our subsidiary companies, emphasizing continuous development, training, and skill enhancement to foster a high-performing workforce.

  • Brand Value Enhancement: We focus on enhancing the Group’s brand value by consistently delivering high-quality services, maintaining customer satisfaction, and building a positive reputation in the transportation industry.

  • Business Opportunities: We actively research and explore new business opportunities, identifying potential areas for growth, diversification, and strategic partnerships.

  • New Business Projects: We undertake the implementation and development of new business projects, leveraging our industry expertise, resources, and market knowledge to drive innovation and expand our portfolio.

Үйл ажиллагааны хамрах цар хүрээ

  • Группийн бизнесийн тогтвортой байдлыг урт хугацаанд хадгалах бодлого, стандартаар хангах
  • Группийн стратеги бодлогыг тодорхойлох
  • Группийн засаглал, менежментийг хэрэгжүүлэх
  • Охин компаниудыг чадвартай боловсон хүчнээр хангах, тасралтгүй хөгжүүлэх
  • Группийн брэндийн үнэ цэнийг нэмэгдүүлэх
  • Шинэ бизнес боломжийг эрэлхийлэх, судалгаа хийх
  • Шинэ бизнес төсөл хэрэгжүүлж, хөгжүүлэх

Mission statement

A national brand that aspires to the world

ML Vision 2030

We are committed to introducing comprehensive logistics services that leverage modern infrastructure and deliver exceptional service quality. Our goal is to position Mongolia as a prominent logistics center, bridging the gap between Asia and Europe.

Key Values

Accountability and Conduct

Every employee within our organization is expected to demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility and discipline in their respective roles. They should approach their work with dedication, adhering to ethical principles, complying with both Mongolian laws and regulations, as well as the Group’s internal procedures and operational standards. Their actions should reflect the highest level of responsibility and align with quality standards.

Empowering Leadership Culture

We foster a leadership culture that empowers individuals, encouraging each employee to discover their unique abilities and cultivate their talents with a strong thirst for knowledge. They selflessly dedicate their intellect and efforts towards personal growth and the betterment of the organization. By setting an example for others, they continually nurture the next generation of leaders.

Dynamic Team Collaboration

Our organization is composed of collaborative teams that embrace innovation, staying abreast of the latest trends, and introducing cutting-edge technical and technological advancements. With a strong focus on innovation and creativity, our teams continually enhance their activities and drive improvement within the organization.

Expert and Versatile Team

Each member of our workforce is a vital component of a cohesive team, united by a shared objective. Our employees exhibit a commitment to continuous learning, constantly expanding their intellectual capabilities, and staying updated with the latest industry practices. Equipped with both specialized and general skills, our team possesses the versatility to excel in any international company, regardless of the location or context.

Ethical Conduct and Openness

At all levels of our organization, we adhere to the principles of fairness and transparency. Whether undertaking significant endeavors or handling minor tasks, we prioritize honesty in all our actions. We are committed to providing clear, comprehensible, and accurate information to all stakeholders, ensuring openness and fostering trust in our relationships.

Organizational Structure of the Holding Company
Corporate officers
L. Ganzorig Founder and Chairman of the Board
B. Telenged Founder and member of the board

G. Khishigbat CEO of Monlogistics Holding LLC

S. Sainbat Board member

Б. Энхтүвшин ТУЗ-ийн гишүүн

E. Oyunbileg Independent member of the board

G. Tserenpurev
ТУЗ-ийн хараат бус гишүүн

Executive officers

G. Khishigbat CEO of Monlogistics Holding LLC

B. Telenged Founder and member of the board
N. Altanzul CEO of Monlogistics Tracking LLC
I. Tsogbayar CEO of Monlogistics Worldwide LLC
N. Erdenebileg CEO of Kaus Australis LLC
Tugarinov. V. A. CEO of OOO Monlogistics Trans Service LLC

Historical timeline

Monlogistics Worldwide LLC was established.
Joined the Federation of Mongolian Freight Forwarders.
Obtained Railway Safety License “B”
Received the right of customs broker from the General Administration of Customs of Mongolia.
Obtained Railway Safety License “A”
Joined the Mongolian Customs consultants association
The project to introduce the ISO 9001:2008 standard was launched.
FIATA-official member joined.
The project to introduce the ISO 9001:2008 standard was launched.
Initiation of the "UPGRADE 10" Rebranding Project
Selected as the official transport agent of Oyu Tolgoi JSC.
Comprehensive Shipping Insurance Coverage
Established ML Holding LLC and expanded its operations to become a Group company.
Transit services were expanded and Monlogistics Transit LLC was established.
RE-BRANDING was done and the following changes were made.
- Changed its name to Monlogistics Holding LLC.
- Monlogistics Trucking LLC was established..
- Monlogistics Cargo LLC was established. .
- Monlogistics Trans Service LLC was established.

Хамтран ажиллах хүсэлт илгээх

Hamtran ajillah